Monday 19 October 2015

Monday 13 July 2015

I read an excerpt from this interview with lorde abotu ehr favourite wiki article and it got me thinking about mine and the first person that poped into my head was the baroque painter Artemeisia Gentileschi. I really don't know what attracts me to her. Maybe it's just her hatred for men haha. To me she's always been more of a role model that Frida Kahlo is to most.

carry on from my last post

(I don't know what compelled me to write a poem at... 2:27 in the morning at my grandma's house. this is literally what was in my mind, I haven't done any editing except the crossed out bit on the first line)( I think I like writing poetry)

edit: this was originally at the end of the poem as like a little end bit but I decided to put a picture up instead. FIRST NUDE!!!

I'm slightly nervous

i am very tired

I am very tired of seeing skinny gals gals with a different body shape to mine and comparing myself to them.
I am very tired of perfection
I am very tired of whiteness. Of white and black.
I want brown. I want blue. I wan't green, red, indigo, violet, periwinkle.
I am very tired of constant violence.
the constant battle between the good and the blurred
I am very tired
of seeing friends so in love but not with themselves
I don't know how to love somebody if i can't love myself but thats just me
but again thats a blurred line but I say that i love myself
but I don't really
I love my body
I love the way it looks
that way my hips bulge
my breasts ripple
my tummy sinks when it's touched
But I hate the way my soul is
the way it forgets words and stumbles on explanations
the way it looks at what is meant to be a piece of art and cant see anything but the lines and colours
I hate that I lie
white lies to may myself seem more impressive
when all it is is just bored bravado (does that even make sense? I can't exactly remember what bravado means but i remember it's a word)
but white lies build and build until they become black and thick and impenetrable. like tar

I am very tired of everything right now and I need a rest

Sunday 24 May 2015


Imma just leave these here.


"Here for your every need"

A lil excerpt from the dazed article on Vasilisa! I literally could not have put it better myself (plus I'm rly lazy lol)

Her first billboard was inspired by Allen Jones’ table sculptures, with Forbes shooting herself in the role of the titular table. “Wax Woman as Table” was released on a digital billboard in Shoreditch just in time for Jones’ exhibition at the Royal Academy last year.
“Initially I was really interested in his work because I thought it had a feminist angle to it,” Forbes told Dazed. “I thought it was pro-women. When speaking to him he was just saying that there isn’t any meaning at all, it’s whatever you want to read into it.”
As a female artist, she wanted to comment on Jones’ work by placing herself as the table to see if people would respond to it differently. “If I objectify myself in an image,” she theorised, “will people react to it differently or will they react to it the same way and still find it sexist?”
Her new picture “Here For Your Every Need” appears on bus stops in Dalston and mocks the way women are represented in the fashion industry. “There’s a lot of passive looking female characters in fashion imagery and I feel that that’s really tiring,” Forbes says. She hopes to find out how people react to the daily objectification of females through provocative, even controversial, images. “For me it’s almost like a survey, I want to see if people are bother about it or if they’re to used to that kind of imagery that they’re not.”
Forbes has received mixed feedback since the project launched: some people have thanked her for showing the everyday objectification of women, while other people found the pictures straight-up vulgar – someone even scribbled "SEXIST" all over one poster. Outdoor advertising regulators Clear Channel even wanted to censor an image, although it didn’t include any nudity.
For Forbes, the pictures are her ideas of feminism. “I think every woman has her own idea of feminism, I don’t think you need to narrow it down,” she said. “I just want to see more powerful female characters in everything, really!”
I'm gonna say this again! THIS IS FROM DAZED ONLINE NOT ME!!!!!!

I found this part really interesting. 

The accompanying series 'Disarchy' features deconstructed, Photoshop CS6 collages of the images in the WAX series addressing our obsession with the perfection of the Adobe Photoshop tool - showing the points of edit, removing backgrounds and colours to show the layering of the image. Disarchy starts a discussion regarding Adobe Photoshop as our generational version of 'The New Readymade', our in-disposable tool and the power of its brand.

this is from the project page... (not me)

Saturday 23 May 2015

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Feelin' Myself video

Look at Nicki and Beyonce SLAYYYYYYYYY

(ps. sorry for the bad quality but I had to capture these bc I haven't got £££ to pay for tidal thanks k)